ساعت کاربری Man / hours Worked | 2038 |
تعداد رنگ No. of Colours | 52 |
تعداد گره در 7 سانتیمتر مربع Knots per 7 cm2 | 3025 |
رج شمار No. of Rows | 55 |
عرض سانتی متر Width (cms) | 81 |
طول سانتی متر Length (cms) | 163 |
Two Styles Brought Together Carpet Panel
Created by Rasam Arabzadeh
The birds on the branches are taken from a japanese painting whereas the column of yellow bricks and polychrome faience is thoroughly persian.
Rassam Arabzadeh,s mastery is evident not only in the fineness of the details but also in the control of the colour scheme.
How many shades of yellow has he used to give the bricks such a feeling of solidity?
More Carpet Panels
Created by Rasam Arabzadeh